
  • Extended Operation Post Office Hours On Tax Day April 15

    Extended Operation Post Office Hours On Tax Day April 15 on Trends Hot Topics --- Extended Operation Post Office Hours On Tax Day April 15. Tax day inspiring people became free consume anything without paying tax for our country. Such as: The post office hours on April 15 in many locations are extended for operation time. But, not all postal offices extend their hours.

  • Make A Wish | Meteor in Wisconsin Shown

    Make A Wish | Meteor in Wisconsin Shown on trends Hot Topics --- Make A Wish | Meteor in Wisconsin Shown. Wednesday night, a large meteor flew across the Southern Wisconsin sky during a meteor shower, and many local residents were amazed by what they saw.

    Officials at the National Weather Service have not been able to confirm that it was in fact a meteor, but they said that meteor showers were expected to peak in the Wisconsin area around April 14, according to Wisconsin TV station WKOW, and so it was “likely” to have been one.
